Wind and snow continue….don't let your guard down.

Not the storm of the century but it’s not done quite yet.   Initial forecasts made by us looked like 6-12″ of snow for the F/M area with higher amounts in Lakes country.  So far, here’s what we’ve received…

Now, with the main storm still to our south and moving north, the “deformation zone” is currently setting up and the models are doing a HORRIBLE job in it’s placement.   The deformation zone will dictate any additional snowfall totals which appears to be about 1-3″ of additional snow over the area with higher amounts into lakes country.  

Although not a LOT of additional snow expected (exception in lakes country) the wind will be gusting around 40mph causing quite a bit of blowing/drifting of the snow afternoon into evening.  Bottom line, don’t let your guard down just yet, the storm isn’t quite over.


Chief Meteorologist,

Dean Wysocki

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