North Dakota Dem NPL unanimously endorses Katrina Christiansen for U.S. Senate 

(Fargo, ND) — The North Dakota Democratic–Nonpartisan League Party on Saturday officially endorsed Katrina Christiansen in this year’s race for the senate seat currently held by republican Kevin Cramer.

The endorsement was reached with unanimous support from the delegates gathered at this weekend’s Democratic-NPL convention in Fargo. 

During her acceptance speech, Christiansen shared her life story and advocated for a Senator “who isn’t a career politician”. 

She said she would represent the needs of the working class. 

“I’ve lived the other side of the decisions made by the rich and powerful. Yes, I made it here because of hard work and a lot of luck but also in large part because of leaders that were fighting for my family. Growing up, it was help from federal programs like Head Start and TRIO that opened the door to opportunity. We’ve become a country so busy fighting with each other that we’ve forgotten to fight for each other. Our story is an American story, and together, we get to make a good one,” said Christiansen. 

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