Flag Family Exclusive: Land purchase made for new casino, convention center near Moorhead

CLAY COUNTY, Minn. – A source tells Flag Family Media the White Earth Nation is building a casino and convention center near Moorhead.

Clay County Administrator Steve Larson says the White Earth Band of Chippewa bought 280.64 acres of land near the Interstate 94 exit for State Highway 336 on December 16, 2024 from a local land auction.

Based on the deed tax collected, Larson says it appears the purchase price was $3,900,896.90.

Flag Family News also asked DFL State Senator Rob Kupec if he knows about the White Earth Nation buying land near Moorhead.

“I don’t think the tribe is ready to go public with plans,” Kupec said via text message.

A new cannabis dispensary owned by White Earth Nation opened Monday in Moorhead at the old JL Beers building on Highway 10.

Zach Wilson, CEO of the tribe’s cannabis business called ‘Waabigwan Mashkiki’, says they will only accept customers who are 21 or older and who have a legal ID. Wilson adds cannabis for sale is “a medicine before anything else” and has been tested. Larson said the tribe bought the land for $850,000 based on the deed tax collected.

Flag Family Media has reached out to White Earth Nation about the land purchase but has yet to respond.

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