(FARGO, ND) — Ben Franklin Middle School teacher and Fargo North head boys basketball coach Travis Hoeg is being reinstated.
” Fargo Public Schools has completed its investigation into allegations against Ben Franklin Middle School teacher and Fargo North High School Boys Basketball Coach Travis Hoeg. The allegation was that an explicit image of Mr. Hoeg was being circulated on social media. The social media post further indicated that Mr. Hoeg was a teacher and coach and that he was sending the explicit image to “male and female students,” the district said.
The purpose of the District’s investigation was to determine if the alleged conduct resulted in a violation of District Administrative Policy (AP) 5255 Staff Conduct and AP 5256 Student-Staff Relations.
” After a thorough investigation, the District has determined Mr. Hoeg did not violate AP 5255 Staff Conduct or AP 5256 Student-Staff Relations,” the district said. “As such, he has been reinstated to his teaching and coaching duties effective immediately.”
Hoeg will be coaching the Spartans in the NDHSAA Boys AA State Tournament today at 2 p.m.
In a statement, Hoeg said, “I am thankful for the District’s thorough investigation and the findings of no policy violations. I am excited to get back to focusing on my students, players and family. I wish to thank the team, coaches, and the community for the support that I have received during the investigation. I am proud of my coaching staff for leading the team at the state tournament yesterday. I look forward to being on the sidelines today in hopes of reaching the consolation championship tomorrow. Go Spartans!”
He asked for privacy for him and his family.
“As one can imagine, this has been a difficult experience. My family and I look forward to moving past this experience,” Hoeg said. “It is crucial for the wellbeing of my family that we put this experience behind us and ask for a respect of our privacy.”