Kilmeade reflects on trip to North Dakota

(WEST FARGO) – Brian Kilmeade’s trip to North Dakota to profile Governor Doug Burgum, who is one of the top candidates to run as Donald J. Trump’s running mate, took him from Arthur to Randy’s Diner, Too, in West Fargo.

He said he learned a lot.

“He knows politics as well as business. I thought as a business guy, he would be kind of a rookie in politics, but he’s not,” Kilmeade told The Flag’s Scott Hennen. “I think he’s very well understood with how Washington works, which stunned me.”

Kilmeade said he spoke to Trump shortly before the interview.

“He said, I have yet to meet somebody that doesn’t say something positive about him from every walk of life, especially, they were at that fundraiser at Silicon Valley, where they raised $12 million’,” Kilmeade recalled of the conversation with Trump.

Kilmeade said Trump has also talked to Burgum’s wife, Kathryn.

“He says, she talks about it extremely brave. She beat it fairly impressive. And he also referred to the fact that Melania and Catherine get along great, which matters a lot,” he said.

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