Legislation would create a North Dakota Ireland Trade Commission

Scott Hennen’s interview with Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney of Fargo

BISMARCK, N.D. – A bill passed in the North Dakota House would create a North Dakota Ireland Trade Commission.

If the measure becomes law, the commission would be made up of two Senate members appointed by Senate Pro Tempore, two members of the House appointed by the Speaker, the Executive Director of the North Dakota Trade Office, the Agriculture Commissioner and a person interested in international trade appointed by the Executive Director of the North Dakota trade office. The commission would meet four times a year to promote business and academic exchanges and economic support between the state and the country and give legislative management a report on their findings.

Fargo Mayor Dr. Tim Mahoney approves of the commission and believes agriculture companies and organizations in North Dakota like RDO and Bobcat would be positively impacted by it.

“It would be a big win for Fargo. A lot of the manufacturing in the state is in this community. We have most of the agriculture and the stuff that’s going on in Gwinner as well. It’s a huge area for us and anything to enhance trade for us I think is fantastic,” Mahoney said.

The bill fittingly had its first hearing in the Senate Industry and Business Committee on St. Patrick’s Day.

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