Man flees following domestic disturbance in Dilworth

(Dilworth, Minn.) — One person was injured Tuesday night after a domestic disturbance in Dilworth, Minn.

According to acting Police Chief Hunter Rawson, Dilworth Police and Clay County deputies were dispatched to the 10 block of 5th Street NW in Dilworth just before midnight on a report of a penetrating wound due to a stabbing.

Rawson said the suspect fled from the apartment complex as the 9-1-1 call was being placed.

Dilworth Police Officer Ross dannhoff arrived on scene and located an adult male victim who appeared to have a clean cut penetrating wound to his chest area. The victim was subsequently transported to the Sanford Hospital Emergency Room.

Additional Clay County deputies, Moorhead Police officers and the Minnesota State Patrol arrived on scene in an attempt to locate the male suspect with the aid of a Sheriff’s Deputy K-9 partner. The suspect was not located.

Acting Chief Rawson arrived to assist with processing the scene.

“From my learned information by the caller and witness it was determined the suspect is the victim’s adult male son,” Rawson told WDAY Radio. The suspect was identified as 24-year-old Meredeth Kingbird, Jr.

Rawson said the attack was a targeted attack stemming from the domestic disturbance.

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