MN Senate bill would classify ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ as a mental illness

SAINT PAUL, Minn. – A group of Republican lawmakers in Minnesota is pushing to classify so-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as a mental illness under state law.

The bill, sent to the Health and Human Services Committee on Monday, defines the syndrome as an “acute onset of paranoia” in response to President Donald Trump’s policies.

The measure was authored by State Senators Eric Lucero of St. Michael, Nathan Wesenberg of Little Falls, Steve Drazowski of Mazeppa, Justin Eicorn of Grand Rapds and Glenn Gruenhagen of Glencoe.

The legislation describes symptoms such as “general hysteria” and an inability to distinguish between policy disagreements and “psychic pathology” in Trump’s behavior.

The measure is expected to face strong opposition in the DFL majority Senate.

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