Novo Nordisk settles MN lawsuit, agrees to selling insulin for $35 a month

SAINT PAUL, Minn. – Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announces a settlement with Novo Nordisk he says guarantees all Minnesotans, with or without insurance, can buy the company’s insulin products for $35 a month for the next five years.

This is in regards to a lawsuit alleging Novo Nordisk deceptively priced its insulin requiring Minnesotans “to pay astronomically high out-of-pocket costs based on the Wholesale Acquisition Cost, or list price, of the drugs.”

Ellison reached similar settlements with Eli Lilly and Snofi in 2024.

Nicole Smith Holt lost her son, Alec Smith in 2017. He rationed insulin because he didn’t have insurance and couldn’t afford the $1,300 a month price tag.

“There’s a long list of people who have died from complications from rationing and Minnesota has stood boldly against big pharma and said it’s unacceptable,” Smith Holt said.

“Our litigation has had a huge impact on insulin prices. In 2018, when our lawsuit was filed, it could cost hundreds of dollars for Minnesotans to fill their insulin prescription. As of today, it will cost just $35. My mission as Attorney General is to help Minnesotans afford their lives, and lowering the cost of an expensive, life-saving drug like insulin does exactly that,” Ellison said.

Click here for more information on how to buy insulin for $35 or for free depending on your income.

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