Lunch Aid North Dakota co-founder pushing for expanded free lunch program for low-income students

(Fargo, ND) — The co-founder for Lunch Aid North Dakota is encouraging state lawmakers to pass a bill to provide free lunches to more low income students.

“Two thousand kids would get added to the free school lunch program and then 8 thousand would get bumped from reduced up to free. So in total, right we would say the threshold is now 200 percent of poverty level, so that would add 10 thousand North Dakota kids to the no cost school lunch program,” said Jason Boynton.

Boynton is speaking in support of SB 2284, a bill lawmakers are considering after the senate last week rejected a plan to expand free school lunches for students who qualify.

The bill calls for spending $6 million to provide the meals. 

Boynton appeared on the Jay Thomas Show .. on WDAY AM 970. 

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