State Sen. Kupec’s grain sales bill goes to Gov. Walz’s desk

SAINT PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Senate and House have passed its first bill of the session, DFL State Senator Rob Kupec of Moorhead’s grain sales bill, he hopes will save farmers money.

Businesses buying less than $7.5 million worth of grain per year would no longer have to have a certified public accountant do an audit. They could have it reviewed by a regular accountant. Cash only sales of less than $1 million are exempted under certain circumstances. The bill would go into effect once it’s signed into law.

“There’s one constituent in Barnesville that does a very small amount (of sales) and he’s been hit with this larger fee. I’m hoping this will help him out, too,” Kupec said.

The senator adds a lot of small farmers use smaller grain dealers which could help business in rural areas.

The bill passed unanimously in the Senate and passed in the House in a 123 to 10 vote. DFL State Representative Heather Keeler of Moorhead voted against the bill. Flag Family News reached out to her for comment.

Kupec believes Governor Tim Walz will sign the bill into law because Kupec says Agriculture Commissioner Thom Petersen supports it. Kupec adds he introduced this bill last session. It passed in the Senate, but failed in the House.

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